
Why publish here?

Given the current political climate, combatting censorship is an upward battle. Here at [your]NEWS, we value your perspective and your story, no matter how big or small.


This is a revolution.  We are reclaiming the power of the press. Benjamin Franklin was passionate about creating something for the people to read. It was news available at your fingertips. There was opposition, support, anger, and joy. But what we really experienced at the birth of freedom was the ability to share and express whatever news needed to be shared. We continue that courageous and patriotic movement and now give you the opportunity to join us as a Citizen Journalist.




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You have the ability to publish your story in an area as little as one zip code, to an area as large as the entire globe (depending on your status).

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You submit the content and your[NEWS] delivers it to marketplaces all through the country.

Citizen Journalist Team Member

Be a Citizen Journalist

Local little league game? County fair? No story is too small for publishing. Perhaps you aren’t wanting to be a full-time or part-time Citizen Journalist. No worries! You can register to become a Citizen Journalist Team Member and be able to submit those incredible stories, local and important news that friends and neighbors would love to read!

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